Monday, July 7, 2008

Here goes Indian communism

"The Congress leadership and the United Progressive Alliance government are propagating that the Indo-US nuclear deal is absolutely essential for India's energy security. A massive disinformation campaign has been mounted that nuclear energy is a solution not only to the shortage of electricity in the country but also an answer to the oil price rise. This is nothing but a cover to promote the strategic ties with the US," the CPI-M Politburo said in a statement.

This is excellent. The conspiracy buffs are going to love this. Conspiracy theorists will go green with envy.


All the communists are alike. They have wasted their youthful years and are still hell bent on wasting more years of their life filling their head with the fecal ideology of Marxism. The one thing a communist is always proud of is his stubbornness in the face of overwhelming evidence. They think that they can bludgeon their way into the minds of people like you and me using just outdated ideology.


What the politburo is now saying against the Nuclear Deal is the same that they said when the telecommunications industry had to be opened up for privatization and foreign technology. It is the same set of arguments phrased in almost similar language. In fact some of the current protagonists of economic liberalization were opposed to to telecom liberalization. The list includes even the current chairman of the National Knowledge Commission who promised to develop competitive domestic technology - All his efforts only delayed telecom revolution by 5 years.

Look at the sea change that has taken place in the telecom sector after liberalization. It is time people called the bluff and exposed the obstructionists to the country's development and their hollow rhetoric which they have been using like parrots for

On a side note, ever heard of Sam Pitroda who opposed the use of Mobile phones in India, dubbing it 'Rich Man's Toy'?

Kerala and West Bengal

They claim to be the party for the workers and the poor, then why is poverty maximum in Bengal. Even it is one of the lowest states in health index. Kerala is full of literate unemployed people. People from both these states progress in their fields when they come out of their states. If the West Bengal govt. can talk to US delegations to bring investments what's the problem with central CPM? The West Bengal Municipal Elections are showing the general Trend. Communists are going down. Kerala will soon follow.

India and the World

The days of Russia giving Arms at cheaper prices are gone with their economy changing and changes that are taking place with respect to global power equations and strategic tie-ups. How ever it is not out of place mention that, in 1962 when china attacked India, US had come to India's rescue, not china or Russia or any other communist country. When we had terrific food shortage during Mr. Lal Bahadur shastry's time, It was US who had given us food supplies under PL-480 funds and no communists country bothered to help. The cost of these funds were written off later by US.

In spite of China attacking us Twice (once in 62,and Once in 69 in Nathula) communists are supporting the Chinese interests. Even the encroachment by China goes unnoticed. Someone needs to put into their heads that both Russia and China are extensively dealing with the USA and are in the path of development. Pakistan is going ahead with nuclear deal with China for their Kahuta plant.


The congress government should act strong in order to assure the Nation that they are ruling and not communists.The PM should be courageous enough to go ahead with what is correct and dare the Left to pull the rug.The congress should capitalize while the memory of public is fresh and the odds are stacked against the communists. If communists pull support, they are going to pay a heavy price in the next election. PM should realize opportunity knocks your doors only once and do not give up meekly.We Indians are frustrated. This is the time to act tough and not to play politics.

What communists do is issuing political statements against UPA, let it be the Nuclear del, inflation or the oil prices. But at the same time remain tied to the UPA government. So what is their assumption? Indians are fools? We can't see through this game? So you guys,what?, citizens of China? Remember, They were the first to decry the Pokhran I & II. Mark this, They have never ever supported any decision in the past 60 years which has taken the country forward.


Communist idea of ideology propagation is through spreading imaginary fears. We want to see governments solving real problems like poverty and underdevelopment and not waste their energy in dealing with imaginary fears. Trust me, imaginary fears never had a solution and will have none in the future as well. Hey communist uncle,Just imagine what the next generation children will think when they are told about your obstructionist tactics that delayed faster economic growth.

1 comment:

jeevan said...

hey, you are absolutly right. Let us join hands, to get rid of the people who still believes in the outdated and useless ideology communism and supports the proud citizens of INDIA who are trying to make our country economically and socially stable.....